
Monday, January 21, 2013

Beta is in!!!!

As you all know I tested on Thursday and got a BFP. Well I didn't have any more tests at home and I didn't want to spend any extra money on tests so I had to wait for my beta. Well that was this morning and and after waiting for 5 hours for my nurse to call I finally got the word that I am pregnant and my beta was 540. I am so excited!!!!! I can't believe that I am 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I am such a happy girl!!! I go back in on Wednesday for a repeat beta and I am sure I will get more instructions as to my next steps. Other good news today was that I was told I could cut back to only twice a day with my Endometrin!!!!


  1. Yay!!!! What an awesome strong first beta!!! Congrats!!!!

  2. OMG what a great #. Are we thinking twins...!?

  3. :-) yaaaaaay nice solid beta! Can't wait to hear your Wednesday #! I just put the babes to bed, gonna make dinner and then call you!
