We had our last weekend with an inside baby. It was busy and fun filled. Friday night we went to the indoor sports arena so that the hubby could play kickball with his team. I can't wait until I get to play with them!!!! Saturday was the Cash Bash at our firehouse. It is a long day but so much fun!! Sunday was our low key day. We went to church and then we met my mother in law out for brunch. So much yummy food!!!!! After our bellies were full we came home to take naps and watch football. After the Ravens win we got all cleaned up to go and meet up with one of my BFF's who was going to take some maternity photos for us. I am so happy we did it because they really turned out amazing!!! Check them out!!!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
One week and counting
One week from today is when my c-section is scheduled for. I am so excited to meet our sweet little girl. I had my last OB appointment today. No weight gain since last weeks appointment, and last week I lost a pound so I'm doing pretty well with my weight late in this pregnancy. I even saw the OB that told me off around 23 weeks that I really needed to slow my weight gain down. Well take that Dr!!!! Baby girl's heartbeat sounded great and she measured right on track. Next time I go to the hospital I should be having a baby!!!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Single digits
Only 9 days (or less) until I get to meet my sweet baby girl. I am so excited!!!! I seriously can't believe how quickly this time has gone bye!!!!!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
I'm back!!!
Sorry it's been a while. No real excuse except for the fact that after my baby shower (which was amazing!!) my parents were still in town for a few days. Also on August 6th my company had a major lay off and I lost my job. Yep at 32 weeks when I thought I would be going on FMLA and STD in a few weeks I instead lost my job and had to start looking for a new job. Well as you can imagine there are not many people who want to hire a pregnant woman who is ready to give birth at any moment. Anyway that is mostly what has been going on. Plus I've been getting the house ready for the baby.
Friday, July 26, 2013
31 weeks
Where is the time going???? I seriously can't believe that we are in the home stretch. 8 weeks till my sweet baby girl is here. It's starting to get real!!!!
As I'm sure I mentioned in my previous post I passed the 3 hour glucose test!!! Thank goodness!!!! I had an OB appointment this week and everything is moving along like it should. Baby's heart rate was perfect at 133, my belly was measuring right at 31 weeks and well my total weight gain is about 30lbs. I have scheduled all of my remaining OB appointments which is awesome!! Something else that is awesome is I ordered my breast pump today. My insurance covers it at 100% so that makes me a happy girl. Apparently is should be shipping out in the next week or so. My baby shower is 1 week away and I seriously can't wait!!! We have been waiting to purchase things for the baby until after the shower so I really can't wait for the shower to be here already so we can start to put stuff together for the baby.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Great Vacation
Well I'm back from my vacation in Hilton Head, SC. Such a fun place to go. We have been there many times before so we really just got to hang out and enjoy the beach and pools. So key word was relax the entire time we were there and that is exactly what we did. Here's my 30 week bump picture from our balcony.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Huge update!!!
After waiting until Thursday afternoon I figure I would call the Dr. office to find out how I did on my 3 hour test. I know they say no news is good news but I wanted to know the results. I had to leave a message but my call was returned quickly. I passed all of the blood draws so I definitely do not have gestational diabetes. Woohoo!!!!! To celebrate my co-workers and I went out for our free Slurpee since it was 7/11.
It was so good!!!!
The hubby and I decided to change our original Thursday night plans to stay in and get some stuff done around the house. I cooked us a yummy dinner of gnocchi with sausage, onions and peppers. After dinner I cleaned up the dinner mess and he got busy working on the house. We actually have some drywall up.
There was some great progress for a week night. Thank goodness because we need all the drywall up before we leave for vacation, since we have a contractor coming to tape and mud it all while we are away. I am loving the progress!!!!!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Progress on the Kitchen
Well me are making baby steps. We should be making adult steps before the little one arrives but there just isn't enough time in the day nor enough money in our bank accounts to make things happen at the speed we would like. We finally have all the electrical work done and the drywall for the ceiling has been hung.
The hubby has been working lots of overtime to get extra money for the project so the progress on the kitchen has slowed a little bit. You know what they say about home improvement projects, you either have the time or the money, not both. Oh so true!!! Last night I cleared off all the glasses and stuff we had on top of the current kitchen cabinets. Today hubby is home hanging more drywall (this time on the walls) and hopefully putting in the new window. We need that to all be completed before we leave for vacation on Saturday as we will have a contractor come in to do the finish work on the drywall (tape and mud). Then once we are back from vacation we can try to tackle the next phase which will be the floors. Wish us luck!!!!
Monday, July 8, 2013
Try again
This morning I got to try the glucose test all over again. Instead of spending 1 hour there I had to spend 3 hours there. I got there at 8:30 and they drew my blood then gave me that oh so yummy orange drink to chug down. Then for the next 3 hours they did a blood draw. Yep that's right a total of 4 sticks and 3 hours. At least there is a tv in the waiting room and I got to watch the Today Show and Kelly and Michael. Oh and let's not forget play words with friends and play on Facebook too. They told me that the results should be back this week so keeping my fingers crossed I pass.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Yep that's right I failed my 1 hour glucose test. Boo!!!! I got the phone call on Tuesday to tell me that my numbers were slightly elevated. Meaning my number needed to be under 135. So when she told me it was 138 I was a little bothered that now I need to spend 3 hours at the Dr. on Monday. Oh well!!! I am hopeful that I will pass the 3 hour test since I was so close with the 1 hour test. In the meantime I need to follow this diet over the weekend to get ready for the test on Monday. Wish me luck!!!!
My day started with the breakfast of champions!!!! Yep that sugary orange drink for my 1 hour glucose test. Well actually I woke up 3 hours before my test and an hour and a half before I normally get up just so I could eat a bowl of cereal. Then I went back to sleep and waited for the alarm to go off so I could get ready for my day. I arrived at the OB's office and chugged my drink and then saw the OB and she did her stuff (measurements and heartbeat). Then I had to wait for my blood draw. It all seemed pretty simple. I am the boring pregnant person and I am so okay with that. Appointments are now every 2 weeks. And my c-section is scheduled for September 19th at 9am. Woohoo!!! This is all so exciting!!!!!!
Friday, June 28, 2013
MFM update
Thursday, June 27, 2013
27 weeks
Not sure why blogger hates me. I posted last week and apparently it didn't publish. So I just did it again and now I will update for this week. Not much going on. We just got back from a long weekend at the beach. It was awesome!!!! Even though I could not lay on my belly and fall asleep like normal. The hubby called me a turtle because of my inability to roll over. Sorry no bathing suit pictures yet. Not that brave to post them on the interwebz, actually I don't think we took any. I got a little more sun than I should have, even after coating myself in sunblock. Well at least now I have some color and a base tan before we head to the beach again in a few weeks.
Anyway I am currently 27 weeks, I have 12 more weeks to go. I guess this puts me in my 3rd trimester. We are still working feverishly on the house. We have lights in the kitchen 
and the new window should be going in any day now. Then next week I think we start the work on the floor and plumbing. Hopefully we can get the flooring done before my parents arrive next month if or my shower. Well at least there is some progress. I love it!!!!!
Tomorrow we get to see baby girl and I seriously can't wait!!!!
26 weeks
Where is the time going???? How do I only have 13 weeks left???? This is just crazy!!!
Well not a lot going on here. I just got back from a long weekend in Atlanta to celebrate the first birthday of some amazing twins. This weekend is another long weekend for me at the ocean. I am a little afraid of going on the beach in a 2 piece but hey I am gonna rock it!!! Mostly because I don't want to spend money on a new suit and I still fit in my old suit that I got back in October for the cruise.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Lucky Day
About a week ago my hubby forwarded me an email from the community college where he teaches part time. They were looking for pregnant women who would be interested in a free 1 hour prenatal massage from the advance message therapy students. Yes Please!!!! Sign me up!!!! I responded to the email and they gave me the 8:30am slot. Let me just say there is no better way to start off your day. It was seriously one of the best massages that I have ever had. And it was free!!!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
24 weeks
It's viability day!!!! I have reached 24 weeks and we are at the point that if I have the baby, Drs will do everything possible to make sure she lives. Of course she needs to stay inside me for a lot longer. Like until September!!!
Anyway things are going great! We are trucking right along. Last week I had an OB check up and at that point I had gained a total of 18lbs and the Dr told me to try to keep an eye on it because they only liked to see between 25-35lbs total. I have kicked up my working out, even though I was already hitting the gym 3 or 4 nights a week. I am trying to walk longer than the 30 minutes I was doing and of course I am trying to do it more often.
We also did our registry!!! I was so excited about that!!! The hubby and I had a Saturday date night at Babies R Us and selected all the stuff we will need for Baby C. The only thing that we didn't find there while registering was the bedding set we selected. So we registered at Buy,buy baby just for that.
We are starting to make good progress on the kitchen renovation which is always great news. We might even get the floor evened out before the end of the month like we had hoped for. Which would mean we can start to lay the wood flooring next moth and hopefully get the walls up for bedroom 3, which would put us one step closer to starting the nursery!!!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Moving right along
Only 17 weeks to go. Time is flying by. Today I am 22 weeks. I know the math doesn't add up to 40 weeks but my OB has told me that because of my history we will plan for a C-section at 39 weeks.
So there are a couple things going on in my world. First off the other day a friend from the firehouse was so nice to donate a ton of stuff to us. It was so much stuff that it filled the trunk of my trunk. A pack and play, 3 different baby carries, and tons of clothes ranging from birth to 3T. I went through and sorted all the clothes so I have that all ready for when I start doing the big day of laundry.
We also started our kitchen renovation. The wall between the kitchen and dining room is completely gone. Some of the electrical work has been started. The hubby has another day off tomorrow so he will be back at it getting it ready. Our first goal is to have the floor torn up so that we can install the gas, electric and water to the island before we go to Atlanta next month. The reason we set this goal is if we can get all that stuff in before we go, we can have the concrete poured and let it cure while we are away. Then when we get back we can aim to get the flooring done by 4th of July. I guess we will see how things go from here.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Trying to get crafty
A few weeks ago before a good friends baby shower I decided that I was going to get crafty. I decided that I would try to make some fashionable burp cloths. So on my lunch break and after work I had gathered all the supplies. Cloth diapers, cute fabric, thread and finally a good pair of scissors. The prep work was easy. I just had to wash the cloth diapers. The hard part was getting my sewing machine out of the box and all set up. After 3 weeks of adjusting the tension just so I was able to get the machine to work like a champ. I only did one last night, but I feel like I've got the hang of it. So here is the first of many.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Halfway there
Can you believe it???? Me neither!!! Today I am 20 weeks and I am so happy. We have so much to do before this little lady gets here. Not sure when and how we are going to get it all done but we will give it our best shot. Our plan is to turn the back unused portion of the living room into a third bedroom/office which will be used by my step daughter when she is here. Her room would then be turned into the nursery. We also need to do the flooring in the living room, what will be the new bedroom/office and the kitchen. We also need to redo the entire kitchen. Somehow I don't think a lot of this list will get done. My bet is that when baby arrives she will be sharing rooms with her big sister. Not really a big deal, I guess. I just want some more progress on our house renovations. Hopefully since the hubby is off today maybe he will get some stuff done towards the ultimate goal.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Drum roll please
Today was the day of the long awaited anatomy scan. I had a 7am appointment which was awesome because it was the first of the day but sucked because it was so early. It felt even earlier because Nigel felt the need to bark at random times through the night.
Well we got in the office and check out the baby. And I must say baby was looking perfect. I think that the baby must take after me and must not really be a morning person as she was sleeping for most of the ultrasound. Yep that's right I said she. We are having a little girl and I am so excited. After I got to work she was kicking up a storm. I am feeling way more activity from here and I love it. It is such a weird feeling. I really can't wait for the hubby to be able to feel her move.
I forgot to take a bump pic for you this morning because it was so early and as I mentioned before I am not a morning person. But I do have some pictures of my little lady. So here she is.
Well we got in the office and check out the baby. And I must say baby was looking perfect. I think that the baby must take after me and must not really be a morning person as she was sleeping for most of the ultrasound. Yep that's right I said she. We are having a little girl and I am so excited. After I got to work she was kicking up a storm. I am feeling way more activity from here and I love it. It is such a weird feeling. I really can't wait for the hubby to be able to feel her move.
I forgot to take a bump pic for you this morning because it was so early and as I mentioned before I am not a morning person. But I do have some pictures of my little lady. So here she is.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
18 weeks
Still trucking along and feeling great. Still waiting for next week to get here already so I can find out if we are having a boy or girl.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
17 weeks
Today marks 17 weeks pregnant!!! Nothing new or special to report. I still have 2 more weeks to wait until I find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I can't wait!!!!
I am quickly running out of new outfits and seem to be wearing the same 5 outfits. I just don't want to spend all my money on maternity clothing, when I would rather spend it on baby. Old Navy tank tops seem to be my favorite items because I can dress them up or down plus since I'm not due until September I should be able to wear them the entire pregnancy....... Unless I get too big.
Well here I am from this morning, yep rocking my Old Navy tank and a light sweater to dress it up for work.
I am quickly running out of new outfits and seem to be wearing the same 5 outfits. I just don't want to spend all my money on maternity clothing, when I would rather spend it on baby. Old Navy tank tops seem to be my favorite items because I can dress them up or down plus since I'm not due until September I should be able to wear them the entire pregnancy....... Unless I get too big.
Well here I am from this morning, yep rocking my Old Navy tank and a light sweater to dress it up for work.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
16 weeks
Sorry I haven't been around much. I can't even say that I have been extra busy. Must be the pregnancy brain. I have managed to take pictures each week but I guess I have had a lack of posting them.
Last week I had an OB appointment which was nothing special. Just the normal weigh in, pee in a cup, check blood pressure and then listen to the heartbeat. Everything looks great so there is no need for metro go back until May 2nd. Wowzers that is so far away. But good things come to those who wait, right???? That day I have my OB appointment and a MFM appointment. We will get to see little one since we are doing our anatomy scan that day, and hopefully we will find out if little one is a boy or girl. Either way I am super excited!!!
Last week I had an OB appointment which was nothing special. Just the normal weigh in, pee in a cup, check blood pressure and then listen to the heartbeat. Everything looks great so there is no need for metro go back until May 2nd. Wowzers that is so far away. But good things come to those who wait, right???? That day I have my OB appointment and a MFM appointment. We will get to see little one since we are doing our anatomy scan that day, and hopefully we will find out if little one is a boy or girl. Either way I am super excited!!!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Goodbye 1st Tri
Well today is 13 weeks!!!!! I am so excited to say we have made it out of the first trimester. Hello 2nd trimester. Things are going really well. This far I have gained a total of 3lbs in 13 weeks, not bad if you ask me. I also got the results from the first trimester screening back yesterday and everything looks great. Little one has a less than 1 in 3000 chance of having Downs Syndrome and a less than 1 in 10000 chance of Trisomy 13 or 18. Those are really good numbers for a 35 year old.
My next appointment is still 2 weeks away. Ugh!!! I hate waiting!!! In the meantime here I am with my 13 week bump.
My next appointment is still 2 weeks away. Ugh!!! I hate waiting!!! In the meantime here I am with my 13 week bump.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Let the hoarding begin
Getting ready for this baby has begun. We made our first purchase for the baby. I know most people buy a cute outfit or something like that but we decided to go the practical route, plus we don't know if it's a boy or girl yet. So we decided to buy some wipes. My best friend Katie told me about a deal that was happening on Amazon. It was $7.13 for a case of pampers wipes, if you purchased $25 or more you got free shipping. So for $28.52 I got enough wipes to get me through 2013, since baby won't be here until the end of September. I'm pretty sure this was a pricing error on Amazon's part because if I were to purchase these individually at Walmart I would have spent about $96.Man do I love a good deal!!! Now I just need to make room for all these wipes somewhere.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
11 weeks and going strong
Today marks 11 weeks in this pregnancy journey. It was also my first appointment with the OB. I really like her!!!! She went over a ton of stuff as to what we can expect, and all that jazz. It was a little overwhelming. We also got another ultrasound!!! Yeah I got to see my little baby again. Measuring right on track at 11weeks. Baby was sleeping when she started the ultrasound but a good nudge from the OB and baby was like "Hey what are you doing to me?!?!?" After the ultrasound they sent me over to the vampire.... I mean lab where they took 5 vials of blood.
I am still feeling pretty good and so happy that I get to see baby again next week for my 1st trimester screening.
I am still feeling pretty good and so happy that I get to see baby again next week for my 1st trimester screening.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
No more!!!!
Today I am 10 weeks pregnant and today also marks the day for no more meds. I am seriously doing the happy dance that I no longer have to shove a pill up my who-ha. Good bye Endometrin!!! Thank you for doing your job but I am so happy to not have to see you again.
I am a quarter of the way through this pregnancy. It is crazy that time is starting to go faster. There is so much to do before this little one arrives. We are trying to remodel our kitchen and have it finished before September so this weekend let the fun begin.
I am a quarter of the way through this pregnancy. It is crazy that time is starting to go faster. There is so much to do before this little one arrives. We are trying to remodel our kitchen and have it finished before September so this weekend let the fun begin.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Graduation Day
Today was such a wonderful day. I was finally able to graduate from My RE. I am 9w5d and baby B was measuring right on track. Unfortunately there was not much growth with baby A since last time. I have been cleared to go and see my OB ( which I have an appointment already scheduled for next week) and I was also referred to a MFM for my first trimester combined screening. I was able to get my MFM appointment for the week after my OB appointment. If things pan out the way it seems like they are I will get to see my little one 3 weeks in a row. So exciting!!!! Also exciting is that I haven't gained any weight yet. I was a little over weight before getting pregnant and the fact that I am almost a quarter of the way through this pregnancy is great news. I am feeling great and haven't had any morning sickness issues lately. I am just so happy to say that I am pregnant and I love it!!! Here is a pic of the little one from today. The picture is a little blurry because the little one was dancing all over the place in there. I think baby was excited to graduate too.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
9 weeks
Today marks 9 weeks pregnant. For the most part I feel great. I was really sick on Monday and even with all the water and Gatorade I consumed I still managed to get dehydrated and get a really bad headache. After a good night of sleep I was back to normal. The other major events of the past week were we told my step daughter that we were expecting. We bought a new truck! One that has 4 doors and can fit a car seat or two if need be.i also found out that I can't eat strawberries. I had them twice and each time within 15 minutes I was projectile vomiting, not fun at all. Other than that it has been a pretty quite week. I am looking forward to Tuesday because we go back to the RE for another ultrasound and hopefully I will graduate. In the mean time I leave you with my bump picture for today.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Valentines Day
Well today is Valentines Day and it also marks 8 weeks. 1/5 of the way done with this pregnancy. It honestly still doesn't seem real. I think once I actually look pregnant and not just fat I will feel better. I will also feel better when I don't have to take these meds anymore. I have 2 weeks until my next appointment and hopefully that will be my last appointment with the RE. Then the following week I have my first OB appointment and I am so excited!!
Well bigs plans for today being Valentines Day we are going out to dinner and I can't wait. Yummy!!!!
Well bigs plans for today being Valentines Day we are going out to dinner and I can't wait. Yummy!!!!
Monday, February 11, 2013
The switch up
Today I went into my RE for my second ultrasound. Well it turns out that this week they are telling me that baby A is now baby B and they just flip flopped. Okay so does that mean that there is 1 or 2 in there? Well it still looks like I have 2 sacs. They were able to identify one sac with a baby with a heartbeat of 154bpm. The other sac they were having difficulties seeing because of the shape of my uterus and the location of the sacs. So now they want me to come back in 2 weeks and hopefully we should have the final verdict but my guess is it is probably a singleton pregnancy.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
What's that???
Monday morning was our first ultrasound. I was so excited and nervous all at the same time. The RE and the tech came in to check things out. They were easily able to identify 2 sacs. OMG!!!!! In sac A after a little searching they found a heartbeat which was 124 bpm. Then they looked at sac B and tried to find a heartbeat but they were not able to. The RE and the tech both said that it is still very early and they wanted me to come back next week as that would give us a better look and idea. So the plan is to go back next Monday and see if we are having 1 or 2 babies. I am still so excited and so nervous. And it looks like I am back to waiting another week.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
May have spoken too early
Last night when I got home from work I helped the hubby make dinner. Just before dinner was ready I turned to him and said I think I might have to throw up before dinner. Next thing I know I'm in the bathroom getting sick. Then again today while I was at work I got sick again. Did I speak too soon? Is this what morning sickness is?
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
What a long week
This feels like the longest week ever!!! Seriously??? It's only Wednesday? Well I have nothing new to report. I am so ready for it to be Monday so we can have the ultrasound already. I just need it so I know that this is for real. I mean I have had no other symptoms so it makes me really nervous. I mean not that I want to be throwing up all day everyday like some of the poor girls on my birth month board, but a little morning sickness would help be a little more at ease. Well at least I only have to wait until Monday. 4 days and a wake up. Can't come soon enough.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Final beta
Drum roll please~~~~~~~~ 3rd and final beta came in at 2080. Another doubling time right around 49 hours which is right where it needs to be. So now the next step is an ultrasound which is scheduled for Monday February 4th. It is going to be the longest week and a half of my life. But it will be so worth the wait. I mean this really is the start of something good. Even according to my fortune cookie today it says it all. "Your present plans are going to succeed"
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Beta #2
Well I just got the call that beta number two looks great! 1061 I am so excited!!!! I have to go backing Friday for I think my last beta. The nurse said that at thy point it would be within the next week or two when they would do an ultrasound. I seriously can't wait!!!
It still doesn't feel real. I mean I don't feel pregnant, no morning sickness or anything like that. I'm cool with that though. I am very bloated still from the meds, so to me I look like I'm pregnant already but I am sure to others I just look fat.
It still doesn't feel real. I mean I don't feel pregnant, no morning sickness or anything like that. I'm cool with that though. I am very bloated still from the meds, so to me I look like I'm pregnant already but I am sure to others I just look fat.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Beta is in!!!!
As you all know I tested on Thursday and got a BFP. Well I didn't have any more tests at home and I didn't want to spend any extra money on tests so I had to wait for my beta. Well that was this morning and and after waiting for 5 hours for my nurse to call I finally got the word that I am pregnant and my beta was 540. I am so excited!!!!! I can't believe that I am 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I am such a happy girl!!! I go back in on Wednesday for a repeat beta and I am sure I will get more instructions as to my next steps. Other good news today was that I was told I could cut back to only twice a day with my Endometrin!!!!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
I tried really hard
I really did tried as hard as I could to be on the beta or bust bus. I just couldn't make it anymore. When a girl who did her 5dt the day before me got a BFP yesterday I felt like I had to test. I was so nervous since I knew that if I did test and got a negative that was it. But if I got a positive nothing would change either since I would still just have to wait until Monday for my beta. Well as I said I couldn't wait any longer and the results on the FRER were pretty clear. I'm officially pregnant!!!!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Who's counting?
Me!!!! Only 5 more days until beta. Longest 5 days ever!!!! Nothing new to report. I am still on the beta or bust wagon. The hubby works for 48 hours so I won't test when he isn't home. Earliest I might test would be Friday, but if I wait that long I might as well wait until Monday. I really want to know!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
It's been a week
Yep can you believe it??? It has been one week since our 5 day transfer and I still have not tested! Hubby and I had a few weak moments lay night where we thought we should test but the bottom line is it won't change anything. It won't change what I am doing since I am trying to act as if I am already pregnant, and it won't make my beta any earlier because that is Monday. If it had been any other weekday they might have pushed to have me come in one day earlier but they don't like to push to have people come in early especially when that means coming in on a weekend. So it looks like I just continue to wait it out. 6 more days. Warp speed ahead please!!!!
Monday, January 14, 2013
7 more days
Seriously I think this may be the longest 7 days of my life. I really want to know but I am scared. Also I only have 1 FRER at the house and no cheapies. I mean I could order cheapies but unless I pay extra for shipping they won't get here until after beta. I could go to the dollar store and get some, but then no matter what the results would be I would want to test everyday until beta to either watch the line get dark or hope that it appears. If there is no line I am not sure how I will act. I feel very confident that this time worked. I mean I haven't even played the what if this doesn't scenario out in my head so that has to be a good sign, right? Anyway no real point to this post except for the fact that this will be the longest week of my life.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Can you feel the chill in the air??? That's because we were able to freeze one embryo yesterday. I am so excited!!!! My RE told me not to get my hopes up because they only freeze perfect embryos. Well that means my little snowflake is perfect!!! Yeah!!!! Best news ever!!!
As for me there really isn't anything going on. I feel great. I am 3 days post 5 day transfer. According to one of the websites I frequent today the implanting continues. It would still be way to early to test, plus I am on the fence with the beta or bust idea. We will see how the next 10 days go. Wow 10 days seems so far away. Hopefully next week will go quickly since we have a team meeting at work.
As for me there really isn't anything going on. I feel great. I am 3 days post 5 day transfer. According to one of the websites I frequent today the implanting continues. It would still be way to early to test, plus I am on the fence with the beta or bust idea. We will see how the next 10 days go. Wow 10 days seems so far away. Hopefully next week will go quickly since we have a team meeting at work.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
PUPO again!!!
Today was transfer day and we transferred 2 embryos. 1 great and 1good according to my RE. According to me they are perfect and I hope they snuggle in.
Monday, January 7, 2013
No update
Apparently On day 4 there is no embryo update. WTH??? Don't they know a mom worries about her babies??? I guess their logic is to not wake a sleeping baby so we are letting this little embies grow and we will see them tomorrow.
Tomorrow is a big day!!! Transfer first thing and then my parents fly home. As if the hormones weren't enough alone to make me cry the fact that my parents are heading back home makes me cry.
Please send prayers, good wishes and vibes this way as I am sure I will need it to get through my emotional day.
Tomorrow is a big day!!! Transfer first thing and then my parents fly home. As if the hormones weren't enough alone to make me cry the fact that my parents are heading back home makes me cry.
Please send prayers, good wishes and vibes this way as I am sure I will need it to get through my emotional day.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Early wake up
Although it was another day off of work I had to set my alarm for an early wake up since it was transfer day. An hour before my alarm was schedule to go off my phone rang. It was the nurse calling to tell me that the morning embryology report was in and we had 6 embryos at the early compaction stage, so they moved me to a 5 day transfer. I am so happy that my embies are growing. Things really are so different than last time. If you could keep those growing vibes coming they would be greatly appreciated.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Just another Saturday
Today was the first day that we have been able to sleep late in forever. It was glorious! We woke up around 8:30 or 9:00 and went to the kitchen to make a yummy pancake breakfast. As soon as we sat down for breakfast I got the call to tell me how my little embies were doing. We have a total of 15, 2-4 cell, 2-3 cell, and 11-2 cell. This is so much better than last time but it still may not be good enough to push us to a 5 day transfer which is what I was really hoping for. They gave me my tentative transfer time as 11:00am on Sunday but told me there was a chance they would call me in the morning to tell me that we are going to 5 days. Nothing can ever be simple.
Originally we were going to go out for one last dinner with my parents on Sunday night since they are only in town until Tuesday and the hubby has to work on Monday. But since there is a chance I will be on bed rest tomorrow we decided to do dinner tonight. It sucks because my parents really wanted my inlaws to join us for dinner but my mother in law is not feeling well so they will not be joining us. We will miss them but surely we will enjoy our meal.
For those of you of the praying type please say some prayers for my little embies so they continue to grow and hopefully we can push to a 5 day transfer. Maybe that would mean we could go out to dinner again tomorrow too. ;-)
Originally we were going to go out for one last dinner with my parents on Sunday night since they are only in town until Tuesday and the hubby has to work on Monday. But since there is a chance I will be on bed rest tomorrow we decided to do dinner tonight. It sucks because my parents really wanted my inlaws to join us for dinner but my mother in law is not feeling well so they will not be joining us. We will miss them but surely we will enjoy our meal.
For those of you of the praying type please say some prayers for my little embies so they continue to grow and hopefully we can push to a 5 day transfer. Maybe that would mean we could go out to dinner again tomorrow too. ;-)
Friday, January 4, 2013
Fabulous Friday
Woke up this morning in a little pain from the retrieval yesterday. I was going to take one of the Vicodin and crawl back into bed but I knew I had a lot to catch up on at work. On my way into work I got the phone call from Nurse D with my fert report. 33 eggs retrieved, 24 were mature and 18 fertilized with ICSI. This is the best news ever!!!! Seriously no one can ruin my day today. I should be getting an update on my little embies everyday. As of right now we are looking at a 5 day transfer which will be on Tuesday. All I can think about right now is how bad I need these little embies to grow. Any growing vibes you can send are much appreciated.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Overachieving Ovaries!!!
Today was the big day for egg retrieval. Such an early morning when the alarm went off at 4:15am. Got showered and dressed and on the road. We arrived right on time at 6:00am and the place looked like a ghost town. No one was at the check-in desk but I fill out the paperwork anyway and tucked it next to keyboard. After sitting in the waiting room for a few minutes they called us back. This was the first day they were doing procedures for the year and I was the 2nd person in the line up. The RE that did the procedure was really nice (he did one of my IUIs too). Everything went smoothly and they were so pleasantly surprised that we got 33 eggs!!! We have decided this time to do ICSI right from the start to hope that we can get lots fertilized. I have been resting all day and feel pretty good. Now I just wait for the phone call tomorrow. Hopefully it will be great news.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Starting the new year with a bang
2012 was a tough year. After 5 failed IUI cycles and 1 failed IVF cycle we are ready to start 203 with a bang. I spent the last 3 days waking up early for monitoring appointments. For those of you who know me, you know I am not a morning person. Anyway on January 1st I got the call that I would be triggering that night at 8:30pm and that egg retrieval would be the morning of the 3rd. What a great way to start the new year!!! My E2 was over 2100 and I have 16 follicles on my right and 14 on my left, most were ranging from 18-20mm in size. I am ready for the Easter egg hunt to begin. I am pretty bloated and they are worried about OHSS, so I stocked up on Gatorade and have cut back on my water intake.
I have to arrive at the surgical center at 6am on Thursday and it is an almost 2 hour drive so it looks like it will be an early morning for me. At least I will be able to sleep the rest of the day. I will of course update you on how many eggs we get. This time around we decided to do ICSI right from the start so hopefully we will have lots of fertilized eggs on Friday morning.
I have to arrive at the surgical center at 6am on Thursday and it is an almost 2 hour drive so it looks like it will be an early morning for me. At least I will be able to sleep the rest of the day. I will of course update you on how many eggs we get. This time around we decided to do ICSI right from the start so hopefully we will have lots of fertilized eggs on Friday morning.
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